Let’s talk about the importance, and benefits, of drinking a green drink and the positive impact chlorophyll can have on your health.
Here is what we will cover in this article
- What a green drink is.
- Why you need to drink a green drink
- How much should you drink.
- What you can expect when you incorporate a high end green drink into your lifestyle
- and how to get started if you’re interested.
A green drink is basically a concentrated green powder mixed with water.
A good green powder is going to include concentrated
- grasses
- leaves
- vegetables
- sprouts
- and herbs.
There are a lot of benefits to drinking a concentrated green drink.
I did this video that does a good job of explaining things:
Let’s talk about some of them and why it is good.
Some of you may be thinking that you can just eat salads and get enough chlorophyll in your diet. Eating salads is good but there’s no way you can eat enough salad to get the concentrations of chlorophyll that we need.
In 1 teaspoon of a good green powder you can get two to three pounds of greens. It’s very concentrated. It’s just not possible to eat that much.
A general rule for how much you should drink is 1 to 3 quarts or liters of water mixed with concentrated green powder per day. If you can get in 1-3 quarts or liters per day, that’s over @6 pounds of grasses, leaves, vegetables, herbs and sprouts.
A better way to calculate how much you should drink per day is to take your body weight and divide by 50. For example I weigh 160 pounds. If you divide that by 50 you get 3.2
Then translate that to quarts or liters per day. So I should drink a little over 3 quarts/liters per day.
If you can do this on a consistent basis you may experience more energy, sleeping better and deeper, your skin looks incredible, you have a lean/trim body, have clear bright eyes, you’re not hungry and when you are hungry you crave more green things. It’s amazing but it’s true. It happened to me.
Now, with that said, you may go through some detox. It may be hard at the beginning to get a highly concentrated green drink down.
You just have to stay the course.
I’ve been drinking a high-end green drink since 2001 and it took me 2 years to get used to drinking it.
I had the classic detox symptoms like headaches, diarrhea, feeling nauseous or like I have the flu, or very tired.
But I understood the science behind this and stuck it out.
Now my green drinks taste like sugar water to me.
My taste buds have changed and I actually crave them.
I seldom have detox symptoms and I feel great. It’s part of my lifestyle and I rarely miss a day.
But, it took time to get to this point.
How can you get started.
There are few High end Green Drink powders on the market and any one of them is good.
Pay attention to the ingredients and do some research. Make sure there are no fillers or sweeteners and also make sure the green drink powder is very concentrated and preferably “low heat” dehydrated.
I hope you decide to add a green drink to your daily regimen.
Over time you will like the results and will realize that it was one of the best decisions you made regarding your health.
DISCLAIMER: This information has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice or medical care of a qualified health care professional and you should seek the advice of your health care professional before undertaking any dietary or lifestyle changes. The material provided is for educational purposes only.